23/julho/21 – Realistic water transport in late stage accretion (Dr. Christoph Schäfer, Universidade de Tübingen)

16/julho/21 – O Centauro (10199) Chariklo e seu Sistema de Anéis a partir de Ocultações Estelares (Dr. Bruno Morgado, ON/LIneA)

02/julho/21 – Formation of Earth-sized planets within the Kepler-1647 system habitable zone (MSc. Gerson Barbosa, GDOP/UNESP)

25/junho/21 – The fate of particles in the dynamical environment around the surface of Kuiper Belt object (486958) Arrokoth (Dr. André Amarante, UEMS)

11/junho/21 – Injection of Inner Oort Cloud Objects Into the Distant Kuiper Belt by Planet Nine (Dr. Konstatin Batygin, Caltech)