Seminário GDOP

Data: 18/08/17
Horário: 14h00.
Local: Auditório do CEM

Overview of the Near-Earth Asteroid Characterization and Observation (Neaco) Mission

Gabriel Borderes e Josué Cardoso (UNESP – FEG)

The Near-Earth Asteroid Characterization and Observation (NEACO) mission will travel to and characterize the near earth asteroid (469219) 2016 HO 3 using a single SmallSat equipped with two optical cameras, a spectrometer, an altimeter, and an explosive impactor. The NEACO mission aims to meet the scientific goals outlined in the student competition for the 2017 American Astronautical Society Astrodynamics Specialist Conference. The overall competition goal is to send one or more 140 kg spacecraft to investigate asteroid HO3.