Seminário GDOP
Data: 06/10/17
Horário: 14h00.
Local: Auditório do CEM
Growth and evolution of satellites in a Jovian massive disc
Ricardo Moraes (UNESP – FEG)
The formation of satellite systems in circum-planetary discs is considered to be similar to the formation of rocky planets in a proto-planetary disc, especially Super-Earths. Thus, it is possible to use systems with large satellites to test formation theories that are applicable to extrasolar planets. Furthermore, a better understanding of the origin of satellites might yield important information about the environment near the growing planet during the last stages of planet formation. In this work we investigate the formation and migration of the Jovian satellites through N-body simulations. We simulated a massive, static, low viscosity, circum-planetary disc in agreement with the minimum mass sub-nebula model prescriptions for its total mass. In our hydrodynamic simulations we found no signs of gaps, therefore type II migration is not expected. Hence, we used analytic prescriptions for type I migration, eccentricity and inclination damping, and performed N-body simulations with damping forces added. Detailed parameter studies showed that the number of final satellites is strong influenced by the initial distribution of embryos and the initial gas density profile. For steeper initial density profiles it is possible to form systems with multiple satellites in resonance while a flatter profile favours the formation of satellites close to the region of the Galilean satellites. However, the formation of massive satellites as Ganymede and Callisto were difficult to reproduce. A circum-planetary disc with inflow of material from the proto-planetary disc might yield a better environment for the formation of the Galilean satellites.