Seminário GDOP

Data: 27/04/18
Horário: 14h00.
Local: Auditório do CEM

Stable regions for a sample of particles and debris in the outer region of the Pluto System

Daniel Gaslac (UNESP-FEG)

Since 2012 Pluto system is formed by a set of five satellites, Charon (forms
a binary with Pluto), Styx, Nix, Kerberos and Hydra. The four satellites are
smaller and further away from Pluto than Charon is. In this work we analysed
the external region for a set of particles with different values of eccentricity and
inclination. From our numerical simulations, taking into account the gravitational effects of Pluto and its five satellites, we generate diagrams of
a versus
e and a versus I after a timespan of 105 orbital periods of Charon. The external region was divided into three: a) region 1 between 1:5d to 2:5d – Styx and
Nix are located in this region; b) region 2 between 2
:5d to 3:5d – Kerberos and
Hydra are located in this region, and c) region 3 external to Hydras orbit. For
particles with
I 90, our results show that less than 30% of the initial set
of particles remains in regions 2 and 3, while in region 1 less than 5% survived
after 650000days. However, about 30% of particles located in region 1 survives
when its
I > 90. When the Solar Radiation Pressure is included in the system,
only a small number of particles larger than 10
µm stays in the system. Smaller
particles are ejected or collide with the massive bodies in a very short period of