Seminário GDOP
Data: 01/11/19
Horário: 14h00.
Local: Auditório do CEM
Analysing the region of the rings and small satellites of Neptune
M. Sc. Daniel Gaslac (GDOP)
The ring system and small satellites of Neptune were discovered during Voyager 2 flyby in 1989 (Smith et al 1989). In this work we analyse the diffusion maps which can give an overview of the system. As a result we found the width of unstable and stable regions close to each satellite. The innermost Galle ring is further from the satellites and is located in a stable region, while Lassel ring (W = 4000 km) has its inner border stable depending onits eccentricity. The same happens to the Le Verrier and Adams rings. They can survive the to close satellites perturbation only for e < 0:012. When the solar radiation force is assumed the rings composed by 1um sized particles has a lifetime about 104 years and 105 when the particles are larger (10um in radius).