17/nov/17 – The population of asteroids in librating states of the v6 resonance (Mariela Huaman Espinoza, BRAMON)

27/out/17 – Mapping the density of particles over the surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu (André Amarante, UNESP)

15/set/17 – Poincaré surfaces of section around a 3-D irregular body: The case of asteroid 4179 Toutatis (Gabriel Borderes, UNESP)

18/ago/17 – Overview of the Near-Earth Asteroid Characterization and Observation (NEACO) Mission (Gabriel Borderes e Josué Cardoso, UNESP)

11/ago/17 – A participação do GDOP na campanha da ocultação estelar por Chariklo em 23/07 (Rafael Sfair, UNESP)